
Unit 8

1. supplies             2. profit               3. stacked            4. strategy                5. vast
6. withdrew           7. suburbs            8. install              9. woven 
        10. reliable
11. errands            12. crammed       13. cuisine           14. ranges
        15. promotion
16. translated        17. temptation     18. boom             19. combination       20. dense


Unit 8 Always Open, Always Convenient


II. 片語與句型造句


1. More often than not, schools in Taiwan/Taiwanese schools hold the graduation ceremony in June.


2. It is impossible for Danny to lose weight. More often than not, he gives up too fast.


3. Aaron never plays/will not play online/video games without (getting) his mother’s permission.


4. Rose never digs/will not dig in without washing her hands first.


5. Because Pierce woke/got up late, he did not have/eat breakfast.


6. Because of the heavy rain/Because it rained heavily, Winnie stayed home.


7. The bicycle meets/satisfies Phoebe’s need. Best of all, it is on sale.


8. There will be a new movie theater in town. Best of all, it’s near my home/house.


9. Serena suddenly passed out/fainted because she had worked around the clock all week.


10. Kyle studied very hard around the clock until the day before the entrance exam.


11. After work, Luke always stops by the/a convenience store.


12. On her way home, Sasha stopped by her grandmother’s house.


13. Candice now lives in Japan, but she still writes emails to her friends (every) once in a while.


14. Sam’s neighbor is seldom/rarely at home. He only sees her (every) once in a while.


15. Cindy made her older/elder brother a cake. In return, he drove her to work.


16. The coach devoted all his time to/spent all his time training these players, and they won the championship in return.




III. 綜合測驗


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A




IV. 課文問答


1. They have woven themselves into the fabric of people’s daily life.


2. Because people can handle many kinds of business in just one place.


3. People are more likely to buy something.


4. Because convenience stores can cater to their every need/Because convenience stores sell various kinds of supplies.


5. It explains why convenience stores in Taiwan are always open and always convenient.




V. 閱讀測驗


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.D


VI. 翻譯


1. More often than not, people do not realize the importance of health until they lose it.


2. Therefore, Molly never starts a day without exercising.


3. Because it was/is Larry’s birthday, he didn’t/doesn’t have to do household/domestic chores.


4. Best of all, he could/can play online games all night (long).


5. To finish the report as soon as possible, Tina has been working on it around the clock.


6. Jared stopped by the post office on his way to work.


7. (Every) once in a while, convenience stores combine regular services with special sales promotions.


8. In return, customers purchase/buy more products.




VII. 寫作練習


        Personally, I find the idea of a gap year very attractive. First, I can explore the world, which will certainly be inspiring and exciting. In the process, I will learn new things and make new friends. My parents may think it costs too much money or that it is a waste of time, but I believe I will see myself and the world in a very different way after the gap year. Also, when I interact with people in other countries, I will be reminded once again of the importance of English and communication. I am sure that I will study with greater passion after the gap year.


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