

1. D           2. B            3. C           4. A


1. supplied                               2. demands

3. save                                      4. waste

5. capable                                6. valuable

7. changeable                         8. admirable

9. source                                10. resources


Part 1: 隨堂測驗


1. stream                                  2.  slope

3. cherish                                 4.  nearby

5. linked                                   6.  supply

7. melt                                      8.  purpose

9. system                               10. resource


1. harmonious                        2.  traded

3. waste                                    4.  admires

5. directions


1. made, up, of                       2.  came, into, view

3. make, the, best, use, of

4. take, part, in



1. Your voice is heard by people in many places.

2. The girl was killed by a bad man last night.

3. A novel will be published by that writer next year.


1. She is going for a walk so that she can get some fresh air.

2. He put on his glasses so that he could read the small print in the newspaper.

3. They left early so that they wouldn’t be late for the party.


1. We should live in harmony with nature

2. Their quiet evening turned into a party

3. The moment Peter saw the girl picking up the books

4. When they arrived in Paris, they found (that) all the hotels were full.

5. Mr. Wang bought the land so that he could build a house on it.



1. D           2. A            3. B           4. D             5. A

6. C           7. A            8. C           9. C           10.D


Comprehension Check

1. A            2. A            3. D           4. B

Essay Questions

1.  It is the change brought by population growth around the world.  The two reasons are as follows: (1)It is harming the delicate balance in the environment, and many species are becoming extinct; (2)We are facing the consequences brought by deforestation, which has reduced the number of many tree species and thus destroyed the habitats of wildlife.

2. Any wash water that is used in homes, except water from toilets, is called gray water.  This may be reused for other purposes, such as irrigation.  The use of gray water can lower the use of fresh water, energy and chemicals, and help reclaim nutrients, which may otherwise be wasted.

Part 2: 瞄準大考


1. A  句譯:「據估計,在2006年有兩百五十萬噸的二氧化碳因為製造瓶裝水的塑膠而產生。此外,瓶裝水製造出極大量的固體廢棄物……(A)廢棄物;(B)資源;(C)地面;(D)利益。


2. C  空格後方有過去時間副詞,且主詞同前面子句,而蘋果樹是「被」帶到北美洲,因此此處動詞應用過去被動式。


3. A  表目的連接詞片語(A) so that



Part 3: 進階練習

1.  Send our car to a carwash rather than wash it at home.

2.  Wash our face using a sink full of water instead of leaving the faucet on.

3.  Mop the floors in the evening, not in the daytime.

4.  Take a shower instead of a bath.

5.  Turn off the faucet except when we are actually using it.

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