1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A
1. stormy 2. windy
3. foggy 4. sunny
5. accept 6. refused
7. joke/trick/prank 8. fun
9. stockings 10. socks
Part 1: 隨堂測驗
1. following 2. foggy
3. stockings 4. stormy
5. Jokes 6. glow
7.appearance 8. characters
9. shiny 10. message
1. delivery 2. tolerate
3. acceptable/accepted 4. employment
5. tradition
1. call, him, names 2. As, a, result
3. is, looking, for 4. Whatever, on, time
1. shaking 2. lying
3. left
1. He didn’t stop working until he was tired out.
2. I won’t go to bed until I finish what I should do.
3. One doesn’t know the value of health until one loses it.
1. This day will go down in history
2. instead, he made up an excuse for his mistake
3. because of the powerful/strong typhoon
4. Susan used to drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed.
5. Willy didn’t find his car towed away until he went/walked out of the (movie) theater.
1. D 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. B
6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. D
Comprehension Check
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D
Essay Questions
1. I’ll prepare a gift for the house like kitchen appliances, for it is practical and fills a need.
2. I will consider whether the person has a practical need for the gift or not.
Part 2: 瞄準大考
1. A 句譯:「郵政限時專送服務很有效率。寄出去的包裹在幾個小時之內就能收到。」(A)遞送;(B)電話簿;(C)發現;(D)宿舍。
2. D 句譯:「Peter昨晚熬夜到很晚,所以他今天早上喝了很多咖啡讓自己在課堂上保持清醒。」(A)可接受的;(B)感到驚訝的;(C)精準的;(D)醒著的。
文法相關:題幹中使用keep + O + adj.的句型,與本課句型I相關。
3. B 句譯:「安妮塔喜歡跟媽媽去買東西。有趣的是,他們兩個最後買了一樣的牛仔褲。」(A)放棄;(B)最後;(C)開始從事;(D)過去習慣。
片語相關:give up為第九課所列的慣用語。used to為本課所列的慣用語。注意used to之後必須接用原形動詞,表「過去習慣」。表「現在習慣」為 “be used to + V-ing”。
4. C 5. B 6. H
難字解析 in favor of 贊成;playful 活潑的
Part 3: 進階練習
Usher in Christmas with Us
When: Friday, Dec. 24
Where: At Happie Hours Club
What: Welcome to bring your partner
*Snacks and drinks served